
Examples are the actual example bots. Here is a listing and instructions on how to run them.

Bots Available

Example Topics Link
Eliza bot regex json, response json Link 1
Scikit-learn language bot scikit-learn, sentiment analysis Link 2
TensorFlow word2Vec bot TensorFlow, word2vec Link 3
Microsoft LUIS bot LUIS Cognitive Service Link 4

Running the Bots

This example is a Regex python bot using the Flask microframework to work with the Bot Framework on Azure or even just locally with the Bot Framework Emulator (recommended to use for testing and dev).


(For a full list of prerequisites see the main Readme on the repo here).

Run the Bot

From the bot’s base folder and on the command line:

python <bot script name>.py


python eliza_bot.py

This will start the flask server.

Test Locally in Emulator

  1. Open up the BF Emulator (usually called botframework-emulator on your system)
  2. Click on the “Enter your endpoint URL” and select or type in http://localhost:3978/api/messages
  3. Leave the “Microsoft App ID” and “Microsoft App Password” blank
  4. Click “CONNECT”

You should see in the Log window a “conversationUpdate” appear twice with no errors. If there’s an error ensure you have the <bot script name>.py script running on the command line.


Go to Deployment for deploy instructions.