========== Examples ========== Examples are the actual example bots. Here is a listing and instructions on how to run them. ************** Bots Available ************** +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Example | Topics | Link | +===============================================+===============================================+===============================================+ | Eliza bot | regex json, response json | `Link 1`_ | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Scikit-learn language bot | scikit-learn, sentiment analysis | `Link 2`_ | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | TensorFlow word2Vec bot | TensorFlow, word2vec | `Link 3`_ | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Microsoft LUIS bot | LUIS Cognitive Service | `Link 4`_ | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. _Link 1: ../../../examples/eliza_bot .. _Link 2: ../../../examples/lang_bot .. _Link 3: ../../../examples/tf_bot .. _Link 4: ../../../examples/luis_bot **************** Running the Bots **************** This example is a Regex python bot using the `Flask microframework `_ to work with the Bot Framework on Azure or even just locally with the Bot Framework Emulator (recommended to use for testing and dev). Setup ===== * Download the Bot Framework Emulator for local testing (https://github.com/Microsoft/BotFramework-Emulator#download) - multiple OS compatibility. (For a full list of prerequisites see the main Readme on the repo `here `_). Run the Bot =========== From the bot's base folder and on the command line: ``python .py`` e.g. ``python eliza_bot.py`` This will start the flask server. Test Locally in Emulator ======================== 1. Open up the BF Emulator (usually called `botframework-emulator` on your system) 2. Click on the "Enter your endpoint URL" and select or type in `http://localhost:3978/api/messages` 3. Leave the "Microsoft App ID" and "Microsoft App Password" blank 4. Click "CONNECT" You should see in the Log window a "conversationUpdate" appear twice with no errors. If there's an error ensure you have the `.py` script running on the command line. Deployment ========== Go to `Deployment `_ for deploy instructions.